Source code for mylinux.libs.Assert

	Every unit test module should have ``Assert.coverage`` test in setUp class!
from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
import subprocess
import difflib
from filecmp import dircmp
import os.path
import six

[docs]class Assert(unittest.TestCase): """Hellper class for adding functionality to unittesting. Attributes: maxDiff (boo): You want to see max diff of error? """ def __init__(self): self.maxDiff = None @classmethod
[docs] def getErrorMessage(cls, err, replaceChar="'", newChar=""): """Getting error message base on python version. Args: err (cls): Error class. replaceChar (str): Replace which string in error msg. newChar (str): Put new string in error msg. Return: Error message string. """ if six.PY2: return err.exception.message else: return str(err.exception).replace(replaceChar, newChar)
[docs] def coverage(self, testClass, testClassSkiped, typeRemove, typeElements, typeSkiped): """Custom coverage testing for testing class. Args: testClass (cls): Test coverage for testing class. testClassSkiped (arr-str): What methods don't have testing logic? typeElements (arr-cls): What class/instance is testClass testing? typeRemove (arr-str): Remove strings from typeElements example: '_Controller'. typeSkiped (arr-str): What methods testClass don't want to test? Raises: ValueError: If typeElements is empty. ValueError: If testClass don't containes test_ string. ValueError: If test are missing in testClass. """ if not typeElements: raise ValueError('\n\nERROR: \n' + '=' * 40 + '\n > ' + 'typeElements ==> is empty!') # Get elements to be tested elements = [] for typeElement in typeElements: elements += [element for element in typeElement.__dict__.keys()] # Get already tested elements testElements = [element for element in testClass.__dict__.keys()] # Remove elements in skiped for skip in testClassSkiped: try: testElements.remove(skip) except: pass for skip in typeSkiped: try: elements.remove(skip) except: pass # Remove 'test' from testElements for i in range(len(testElements)): if 'test_' in testElements[i]: testElements[i] = testElements[i].replace('test_', '', 1) else: raise ValueError('\n\nERROR: ' + testElements[i] + '\n' + '=' * 40 + '\n > Unittest method does not contains >test_< string!') # Replace strings for rm in typeRemove: for i in range(len(elements)): elements[i] = elements[i].replace(rm, '', 1) testMissing = [] for element in elements: if not element in testElements: testMissing.append(element) if testMissing: raise ValueError('\n\nERROR: Missing tests:\n' + '=' * 40 + '\n > ' + '\n > '.join(sorted(testMissing)))
[docs] def sameDirStructures(self, dir1, dir2): """Check if dirs have the same structure Args: dir1 (str): Path to first dir structure. dir2 (str): Path to second -//-. Raises: ValueError: If dirs are diferent. """ compared = dircmp(dir1, dir2) error = {} if compared.left_only or compared.right_only or compared.diff_files or compared.funny_files: if compared.left_only: error['left_only'] = compared.left_only if compared.right_only: error['right_only'] = compared.right_only if compared.funny_files: error['funny_files'] = compared.funny_files if compared.diff_files: error['diff_files'] = compared.diff_files for i, file in enumerate(error['diff_files']): file1 = open(os.path.join(dir1, file)) file2 = open(os.path.join(dir2, file)) diff = difflib.ndiff(file1.readlines(), file2.readlines()) error['diff_files'][i] += '\n\n' for line in diff: error['diff_files'][i] += '\t\t' + line error['diff_files'][i] += '\n' str = '\n\nASSERT ERROR:\n' + '=' * 40 for key in error: str += '\n\n > ' + key.upper() + ': ' + dir2 + '\n\t- ' + '\n\t- '.join(error[key]) raise ValueError(str) for subdir in compared.common_dirs: self.sameDirStructures(os.path.join(dir1, subdir), os.path.join(dir2, subdir))
[docs] def termCommand(self, strCommand): """Catching terminal stdout/stderr Args: strCommand (str): String command to be executed. Return: [ True or False, stdout, stderr ] array will return True if no error is catched, else False. """ stdout = '' stderr = '' cmdArray = strCommand.split() try: process = subprocess.Popen(cmdArray, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) except: return [False, '', 'ERROR : command(' + ' '.join(cmdArray) + ') could not get executed!'] for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''): echoLine = line.decode("utf-8") stdout += echoLine for line in iter(process.stderr.readline, b''): echoLine = line.decode("utf-8") stderr += echoLine process.stdout.close() returnCode = process.wait() if returnCode != 0 or stderr != '': return [False, stdout, stderr] else: return [True, stdout, stderr]