Source code for mylinux.model.Files

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import json

from . import config
from mylinux import view
from mylinux.libs.decorator import ClassProperty
from mylinux.constants import error as ERR
from mylinux.libs import AppErr

[docs]class Files: """This is main Files class. This class is responsible for all general side effects on mylinux filesystem. For example multiple package searching, creation of new package etc... Args: mainPath (str): Path to folder where is located mylinux file structure. Attributes: __inited (boo): Was class allready inited? __chmodOfNewPackage (str): chmod code of created package data. __chmodOfInitFolderStructure (str): Set this chmod code to new init folder. __mainPath (str): Save mainPath from args. __packages (arr-ins): Package class instances array. __scripts (arr-ins): All script instances. __installed (ins): Instance of installed class. Raises: AppErr.developer: If class was allready inited. Other Parameters: Update __installed attribute with data. Update __packages att. with data. Update __scripts att. with data """ __inited = False # Owner (rwx), Else (r) __chmodOfNewPackage = '744' __relInstalledPath = '/installed.json' __relScriptsPath = '/scripts' __relPackagesPath = '/packages' @ClassProperty @classmethod def chmodOfNewPackage(cls): return cls.__chmodOfNewPackage def __init__(self, mainPath): if not Files.__inited: Files.__inited = True self.__mainPath = mainPath self.__packages = None self.__scripts = None self.__installed = None self.__updateInstalled() self.__updatePackages() self.__updateScripts() else: raise AppErr.developer(ERR.singletone) @property def scriptsPath(self): """ Return: Absolute path to scripts folder. """ return self.__mainPath + Files.__relScriptsPath @property def packagesPath(self): """ Return: Absolute path to packages folder. """ return self.__mainPath + Files.__relPackagesPath @property def installedPath(self): """ Return: Absolute path to installed file. """ return self.__mainPath + Files.__relInstalledPath @property def mainPath(self): """ Return: __mainPath """ return self.__mainPath @property def installed(self): """ Return: __installed """ return self.__installed @property def packages(self): """ Return: __packages """ return self.__packages def __updateScripts(self): """ Update __scripts variable. """ self.__scripts = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.scriptsPath): for file in files: script = config.Script(name=file, path=self.scriptsPath + '/' + file) self.__scripts.append(script) break def __updatePackages(self): """ Update __packages variable. """ self.__packages = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.packagesPath): for dir in dirs: package = config.Package(name=dir, path=self.packagesPath + '/' + dir) self.__packages.append(package) break def __updateInstalled(self): """ Update __installed instance. """ self.__installed = config.Installed(path=self.installedPath)
[docs] def createPackage(self, name='newPackageName', info={}, scripts={}): """Create new package. Args: name (str): Name of new package. info (dic): Info data of new package. scripts (dic): Scripts folder structure and data of new package. Other Parameters: Check required data in info. Check if name is accepted. If pre checks fail show error report. Make new project structure. """ error = [] newPath = self.packagesPath + '/' + name for requiredDataKey in config.Info.requiredDataKeys: if not requiredDataKey in info: error.append(['FAIL', 'Info key', ERR.Format.keyMissingIn(requiredDataKey, info)]) for acceptedName in config.Package.requiredScriptNames: if not acceptedName in scripts: error.append(['FAIL', 'Script key', ERR.Format.keyMissingIn(acceptedName, scripts)]) if error: view.Tli.raiseError( AppErr.developer, '{0} in {1}'.format(self.createPackage.__name__,__name__), error ) else: os.makedirs(newPath) os.makedirs(newPath + config.Package.relScriptsPath) with open(newPath + config.Package.relInfoPath, 'w') as f: json.dump(info, f, indent=4) for scriptName in scripts: with open(newPath + config.Package.relScriptsPath + '/' + scriptName, 'w') as f: f.write(scripts[scriptName]) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(newPath): for ele in dirs + files: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, ele), int(Files.__chmodOfNewPackage, 8))
[docs] def getScript(self, name): for script in self.__scripts: if == name: return script view.Tli.raiseError( AppErr.model, self.scriptsPath + '/' + name, ['ERROR', 'Main script', ERR.Format.notFoundIn(name, 'Main script folder')] )
[docs] def getPackages(self, names): """Get packages instances Args: names (arr-str): Required package names. Return: Array of packages instances """ return [package for package in self.__packages if in names]
[docs] def getModules(self): """Get sorted by name module values from package info data. Return: Array of sorted and unique of all package module names. """ return sorted(list(set([['module'] for package in self.__packages])))
[docs] def getClasses(self): """Get sorted by name class values from package info data. Return: Array of sorted and unique of all package class names. """ return sorted(list(set([['class'] for package in self.__packages])))
[docs] def getPackageNames(self): """Get all package names. Return: Sorted array of all packages names. """ return sorted([ for package in self.__packages])
[docs] def getInfoValues(self): """Get all info values from info data. Return: Array of all package info values. """ return [['info'] for package in self.__packages]